2024-07-31 16:52:27 +08:00

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+++ author = "FlintyLemming" title = "Backblaze B2 + CloudFlare 搭建图床" slug = "67b8601211284a25b68bb8afe65b80a7" date = "2020-12-15" description = "" categories = ["Network", "MineService"] tags = ["Backblaze", "CloudFlare", "图床"] image = "" +++

Backblaze B2 在大厂的对象存储里算是非常便宜的了,如果不考虑国内访问速度,应该是非常不错的选择。由于 B2 与 CloudFlare 合作,所以套上 CloudFlare 后并不会消耗流量,所以拿来做图床是个不错的选择,下面介绍下步骤。

配置 CDN


Using Backblaze B2 with the Cloudflare CDN

  1. 创建一个公开的存储桶并上传文件

  2. 通过查看文件详细信息获得地址,比如我这里就是<存储桶名称>/......

  3. 在 CloudFlare 里新建一条 CNAME 解析,地址就填刚才获得的这个

  4. 在 页面规则 里 创建页面规则

  5. URL 匹配填写如下内容


    添加设置中选择 缓存级别 - 缓存所有内容

  6. 再添加一条

    URL 匹配填写如下内容


    设置填写 转发 URL - 302重定向 -

  7. 设定缓存控制时间,内容如下


隐藏 Bucket 名称

这样设置完后,虽然能免流了,但是 Bucket 名称还是暴露了,为了避免被人搞事情,所以要隐藏 Bucket 名称。这里用到了 cf 的 workers参考下面站点的内容。

Using Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare Workers for free image hosting

  1. Workers - 管理 Workers

  2. 添加一个 Worker 并部署,内容如下。你需要做的就是修改开头的 b2Domain 和 b2Bucket 两个变量即可。

    'use strict';
    const b2Domain = ''; // configure this as per instructions above
    const b2Bucket = 'jross-files'; // configure this as per instructions above
    const b2UrlPath = `/file/${b2Bucket}/`;
    addEventListener('fetch', event => {
    	return event.respondWith(fileReq(event));
    // define the file extensions we wish to add basic access control headers to
    const corsFileTypes = ['png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'webp'];
    // backblaze returns some additional headers that are useful for debugging, but unnecessary in production. We can remove these to save some size
    const removeHeaders = [
    const expiration = 31536000; // override browser cache for images - 1 year
    // define a function we can re-use to fix headers
    const fixHeaders = function(url, status, headers){
    	let newHdrs = new Headers(headers);
    	// add basic cors headers for images
    		newHdrs.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
    	// override browser cache for files when 200
    	if(status === 200){
    		newHdrs.set('Cache-Control', "public, max-age=" + expiration);
    		// only cache other things for 5 minutes
    		newHdrs.set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=300');
    	// set ETag for efficient caching where possible
    	const ETag = newHdrs.get('x-bz-content-sha1') || newHdrs.get('x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis') || newHdrs.get('x-bz-file-id');
    		newHdrs.set('ETag', ETag);
    	// remove unnecessary headers
    	removeHeaders.forEach(header => {
    	return newHdrs;
    async function fileReq(event){
    	const cache = caches.default; // Cloudflare edge caching
    	const url = new URL(event.request.url);
    	if( === b2Domain && !url.pathname.startsWith(b2UrlPath)){
    		url.pathname = b2UrlPath + url.pathname;
    	let response = await cache.match(url); // try to find match for this request in the edge cache
    		// use cache found on Cloudflare edge. Set X-Worker-Cache header for helpful debug
    		let newHdrs = fixHeaders(url, response.status, response.headers);
    		newHdrs.set('X-Worker-Cache', "true");
    		return new Response(response.body, {
    			status: response.status,
    			statusText: response.statusText,
    			headers: newHdrs
    	// no cache, fetch image, apply Cloudflare lossless compression
    	response = await fetch(url, {cf: {polish: "lossless"}});
    	let newHdrs = fixHeaders(url, response.status, response.headers);
    	response = new Response(response.body, {
    		status: response.status,
    		statusText: response.statusText,
    		headers: newHdrs
    	event.waitUntil(cache.put(url, response.clone()));
    	return response;
  3. 添加完后设置路由

  4. 地址为


    Worker 就选择刚才添加的 Worker

    然后就可以直接通过 https://<域名>/<Bucket内路径> 引用文件了

Photo by C M on Unsplash