interface pageData { title: string, date: string, permalink: string, content: string, image?: string, preview: string, matchCount: number } interface match { start: number, end: number } /** * Escape HTML tags as HTML entities * Edited from: * @link */ const tagsToReplace = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', '…': '…' }; function replaceTag(tag) { return tagsToReplace[tag] || tag; } function replaceHTMLEnt(str) { return str.replace(/[&<>"]/g, replaceTag); } function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); } class Search { private data: pageData[]; private form: HTMLFormElement; private input: HTMLInputElement; private list: HTMLDivElement; private resultTitle: HTMLHeadElement; private resultTitleTemplate: string; constructor({ form, input, list, resultTitle, resultTitleTemplate }) { this.form = form; this.input = input; this.list = list; this.resultTitle = resultTitle; this.resultTitleTemplate = resultTitleTemplate; this.handleQueryString(); this.bindQueryStringChange(); this.bindSearchForm(); } /** * Processes search matches * @param str original text * @param matches array of matches * @param ellipsis whether to add ellipsis to the end of each match * @param charLimit max length of preview string * @param offset how many characters before and after the match to include in preview * @returns preview string */ private static processMatches(str: string, matches: match[], ellipsis: boolean = true, charLimit = 140, offset = 20): string { matches.sort((a, b) => { return a.start - b.start; }); let i = 0, lastIndex = 0, charCount = 0; const resultArray: string[] = []; while (i < matches.length) { const item = matches[i]; /// item.start >= lastIndex (equal only for the first iteration) /// because of the while loop that comes after, iterating over variable j if (ellipsis && item.start - offset > lastIndex) { resultArray.push(`${replaceHTMLEnt(str.substring(lastIndex, lastIndex + offset))} [...] `); resultArray.push(`${replaceHTMLEnt(str.substring(item.start - offset, item.start))}`); charCount += offset * 2; } else { /// If the match is too close to the end of last match, don't add ellipsis resultArray.push(replaceHTMLEnt(str.substring(lastIndex, item.start))); charCount += item.start - lastIndex; } let j = i + 1, end = item.end; /// Include as many matches as possible /// [item.start, end] is the range of the match while (j < matches.length && matches[j].start <= end) { end = Math.max(matches[j].end, end); ++j; } resultArray.push(`<mark>${replaceHTMLEnt(str.substring(item.start, end))}</mark>`); charCount += end - item.start; i = j; lastIndex = end; if (ellipsis && charCount > charLimit) break; } /// Add the rest of the string if (lastIndex < str.length) { let end = str.length; if (ellipsis) end = Math.min(end, lastIndex + offset); resultArray.push(`${replaceHTMLEnt(str.substring(lastIndex, end))}`); if (ellipsis && end != str.length) { resultArray.push(` [...]`); } } return resultArray.join(''); } private async searchKeywords(keywords: string[]) { const rawData = await this.getData(); const results: pageData[] = []; const regex = new RegExp(keywords.filter((v, index, arr) => { arr[index] = escapeRegExp(v); return v.trim() !== ''; }).join('|'), 'gi'); for (const item of rawData) { const titleMatches: match[] = [], contentMatches: match[] = []; let result = { ...item, preview: '', matchCount: 0 } const contentMatchAll = item.content.matchAll(regex); for (const match of Array.from(contentMatchAll)) { contentMatches.push({ start: match.index, end: match.index + match[0].length }); } const titleMatchAll = item.title.matchAll(regex); for (const match of Array.from(titleMatchAll)) { titleMatches.push({ start: match.index, end: match.index + match[0].length }); } if (titleMatches.length > 0) result.title = Search.processMatches(result.title, titleMatches, false); if (contentMatches.length > 0) { result.preview = Search.processMatches(result.content, contentMatches); } else { /// If there are no matches in the content, use the first 140 characters as preview result.preview = replaceHTMLEnt(result.content.substring(0, 140)); } result.matchCount = titleMatches.length + contentMatches.length; if (result.matchCount > 0) results.push(result); } /// Result with more matches appears first return results.sort((a, b) => { return b.matchCount - a.matchCount; }); } private async doSearch(keywords: string[]) { const startTime =; const results = await this.searchKeywords(keywords); this.clear(); for (const item of results) { this.list.append(Search.render(item)); } const endTime =; this.resultTitle.innerText = this.generateResultTitle(results.length, ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toPrecision(1)); } private generateResultTitle(resultLen, time) { return this.resultTitleTemplate.replace("#PAGES_COUNT", resultLen).replace("#TIME_SECONDS", time); } public async getData() { if (! { /// Not fetched yet const jsonURL = this.form.dataset.json; = await fetch(jsonURL).then(res => res.json()); const parser = new DOMParser(); for (const item of { item.content = parser.parseFromString(item.content, 'text/html').body.innerText; } } return; } private bindSearchForm() { let lastSearch = ''; const eventHandler = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const keywords = this.input.value.trim(); Search.updateQueryString(keywords, true); if (keywords === '') { return this.clear(); } if (lastSearch === keywords) return; lastSearch = keywords; this.doSearch(keywords.split(' ')); } this.input.addEventListener('input', eventHandler); this.input.addEventListener('compositionend', eventHandler); } private clear() { this.list.innerHTML = ''; this.resultTitle.innerText = ''; } private bindQueryStringChange() { window.addEventListener('popstate', (e) => { this.handleQueryString() }) } private handleQueryString() { const pageURL = new URL(window.location.toString()); const keywords = pageURL.searchParams.get('keyword'); this.input.value = keywords; if (keywords) { this.doSearch(keywords.split(' ')); } else { this.clear() } } private static updateQueryString(keywords: string, replaceState = false) { const pageURL = new URL(window.location.toString()); if (keywords === '') { pageURL.searchParams.delete('keyword') } else { pageURL.searchParams.set('keyword', keywords); } if (replaceState) { window.history.replaceState('', '', pageURL.toString()); } else { window.history.pushState('', '', pageURL.toString()); } } public static render(item: pageData) { return <article> <a href={item.permalink}> <div class="article-details"> <h2 class="article-title" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: item.title }}></h2> <section class="article-preview" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: item.preview }}></section> </div> {item.image && <div class="article-image"> <img src={item.image} loading="lazy" /> </div> } </a> </article>; } } declare global { interface Window { searchResultTitleTemplate: string; } } window.addEventListener('load', () => { setTimeout(function () { const searchForm = document.querySelector('.search-form') as HTMLFormElement, searchInput = searchForm.querySelector('input') as HTMLInputElement, searchResultList = document.querySelector('.search-result--list') as HTMLDivElement, searchResultTitle = document.querySelector('.search-result--title') as HTMLHeadingElement; new Search({ form: searchForm, input: searchInput, list: searchResultList, resultTitle: searchResultTitle, resultTitleTemplate: window.searchResultTitleTemplate }); }, 0); }) export default Search;