{{ define "main" }} <header> <h3 class="section-title"> {{ if eq .Parent (.GetPage "/") }} {{ T "list.section" }} {{ else }} {{ .Parent.Title }} {{ end }} </h3> <div class="section-card"> <div class="section-details"> <h3 class="section-count">{{ T "list.page" (len .Pages) }}</h3> <h1 class="section-term">{{ .Title }}</h1> {{ with .Params.description }} <h2 class="section-description">{{ . }}</h2> {{ end }} </div> {{- $image := partialCached "helper/image" (dict "Context" . "Type" "section") .RelPermalink "section" -}} {{ if $image.exists }} <div class="section-image"> {{ if $image.resource }} {{- $Permalink := $image.resource.RelPermalink -}} {{- $Width := $image.resource.Width -}} {{- $Height := $image.resource.Height -}} {{- if (default true .Page.Site.Params.imageProcessing.cover.enabled) -}} {{- $thumbnail := $image.resource.Fill "120x120" -}} {{- $Permalink = $thumbnail.RelPermalink -}} {{- $Width = $thumbnail.Width -}} {{- $Height = $thumbnail.Height -}} {{- end -}} <img src="{{ $Permalink }}" width="{{ $Width }}" height="{{ $Height }}" loading="lazy"> {{ else }} <img src="{{ $image.permalink }}" loading="lazy" /> {{ end }} </div> {{ end }} </div> </header> {{- $subsections := .Sections -}} {{- $pages := .Pages | complement $subsections -}} {{- if eq (len $pages) 0 -}} {{/* If there are no normal pages, display subsections in list style, with pagination */}} {{/* This happens with taxonomies like categories or tags */}} {{- $pages = $subsections -}} {{- $subsections = slice -}} {{- end -}} {{- with $subsections -}} <aside> <h2 class="section-title">{{ T "list.subsection" (len $subsections) }}</h2> <div class="subsection-list"> <div class="article-list--tile"> {{ range . }} {{ partial "article-list/tile" (dict "context" . "size" "250x150" "Type" "section") }} {{ end }} </div> </div> </aside> {{- end -}} {{/* List only pages that are not a subsection */}} {{ $paginator := .Paginate $pages }} <section class="article-list--compact"> {{ range $paginator.Pages }} {{ partial "article-list/compact" . }} {{ end }} </section> {{- partial "pagination.html" . -}} {{ partialCached "footer/footer" . }} {{ end }} {{ define "right-sidebar" }} {{ partial "sidebar/right.html" (dict "Context" . "Scope" "homepage") }} {{ end }}